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Libidinous Defense Lawyer Faces Disbarment

An Ohio Supreme Court lawyers’ disciplinary committee heard the case of a criminal defense attorney who stands to have his law license suspended or taken away for having an affair with the wife of his client while that client was standing trial for murder in 1997. So reports the Columbus Dispatch.

The libidinous lawyer, 59-year-old James Owen, told his wife and family about his transgressions after he ended the affair in 1998. However, he only admitted to it publicly two years ago, when it was about be uncovered. Owen’s offenses have affected more than just his own fate.

In September, an Ohio court granted a new trial to that 1997 client, ruling that Owen “had been distracted to an extent that greatly hindered his preparation and trial performance.” A final ruling on Owen’s fate is not expected until next year.

Read the full article from the Columbus Dispatch.

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