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Disgraced Ex-Journalist Fights for Law License

The California Supreme Court last week heard arguments in the case of a Georgetown University Law School graduate who was denied admission to the California Bar based on journalistic transgressions he perpetrated. So reports the LA Times.

In 42 articles that he wrote when he worked for the New Republic in the 1990s – when he was in his 20s – the California Bar applicant, Steven R. Glass, damaged reputations using quotations, events—even people—that he’d invented.

Now a 41-year-old clerk at a prestigious Los Angeles law firm, Glass maintains that he lied when he was a journalist because he wanted his editor "to love [him], like [he] wanted [his] father to love [him]," and has since rehabilitated himself. The California Supreme Court is expected to rule in 90 days.

Read the full article from the LA Times.

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