Progressive Law Practice

SCOTUS: Border Restrictions to Remain Intact During Challenge  

The Supreme Court said Title 42, a Trump-era border rule, will stay in effect during its legal challenge. So reports CNN.


Franklin Pierce School of Law Student Group: Application Delayed Over Religious Stance

The Free Exercise Coalition, a Christian group at the UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law, is threatening legal action after alleging the school’s Student Bar Association needlessly delayed formally recognizing the group. So reports NHPR.


Pardoned Lawyers Who Confronted Protestors with Guns Shouldn’t Get Them Back: Judge  

Mark McCloskey and his wife Patricia, both lawyers who gained notoriety for brandishing weapons at activists during a 2020 protest in Missouri, are not entitled to get their weapons back even after the state’s governor pardoned them for their actions. So reports Yahoo! News.


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